School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)
Lubbock-Cooper ISD has established a School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) to offer recommendations to the district and assist in ensuring that local community values are reflected in the district’s health education instruction and fitness and wellness activities. (Education Code 28.004[a]). The SHAC shall meet at least four times per school year. (Education Code 28.001[d-1]. Lubbock-Cooper ISD must consider the recommendations of the SHAC before changing the district’s health education curriculum or instruction. (Education Code 28.004[m]). The LCISD SHAC has utilized the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) eight-element coordinated school health approach (CSH) and now incorporates the CHS expanded ten-component Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model as a guideline for SHAC recommendations and actions. In an effort to enhance students’ cognitive, emotional, physical, and social development, the WSCC model seeks to focus on the importance of the whole child approach to education by engaging students as active participants in improving their own health and learning.
SHAC membership includes at least five appointed LCISD employees, one of whom shall serve as the SHAC Chair as appointed by the superintendent. The majority of membership is comprised of parents of students enrolled in the district who are not employed by the district, one of whom shall serve as the SHAC Co-Chair. Membership may also include district student representatives, healthcare professionals, community business members, nonprofit health organization representatives, and other diverse community representatives. Each member is asked to commit to a one-year term at minimum.
Minutes 10.4.18
SHAC Approved Family Life Education Packet for High School
Please RSVP to prior to the meeting for agenda, location, and time.
For more information on Texas SHAC:
FFA (Local) Policy/
Wellness Procedures
Choices 360 Parent Outline
Choices 360 Outline