SAiL Student Agreement


SAiL is an initiative of Lubbock-Cooper ISD to provide every student with a classroom and/or take-home iPad for educational engagement and enhancement.

Your district-issued iPad is an important learning tool intended for educational purposes only. The device is considered a school supply and should be carefully maintained, used appropriately, and brought to class at all times.

Inappropriate use or maintenance of any Lubbock-Cooper ISD technology resource, including your iPad, may result in disciplinary or appropriate legal action and the revocation or suspension of your privilege to utilize district technology resources.

Users of the Lubbock-Cooper ISD network and the corresponding SAiL iPad are required to adhere to all state and federal laws as well as local Board policy. For more information, refer to the following governing policies and expectations:

  • Federal and state mandates including the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA), the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

  • Lubbock-Cooper ISD Student Code of Conduct

  • Lubbock-Cooper ISD Student Handbook

  • Board Policy CQ (Technology Resources)

  • Board Policy FFH (Student Welfare - Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation)

  • Board Policy FFI (Student Welfare - Freedom from Bullying)

  • Lubbock-Cooper ISD Board Policy as a whole

Any violation of the governing laws and policies, including this SAiL Student Agreement, must immediately be reported to a supervising teacher, administrator, or district technology representative. You must also report any requests for personally identifiable information (name, address, phone number, age, sex, race, etc.) or contact from unknown individuals, as well as any content or communication that is abusive, obscene, pornographic, sexually oriented, threatening, harassing, damaging to another's reputation, or illegal.


You are being issued an iPad for educational purposes only. Instructional use of your iPad will be determined and authorized by your teacher, administrator, or a district technology representative. District-issued iPads are not intended for entertainment, social communication, or non-school-related purposes. iPads issued to elementary students will be maintained on-campus. iPads issued to secondary students are intended for use on-campus and off-campus. Off-campus use is limited to instructional and school-related purposes.

The SAiL support team will provide devices upon the beginning of the instructional year or individual student enrollment. The date of device distribution will be determined by each campus. iPads must be returned before the last day of instruction for the current school year, the last day of the student’s enrollment within the district, or as otherwise designated by campus administration in cooperation with district technology staff.

 When using an iPad (or any district technology), students must adhere to the Lubbock-Cooper ISD Student Code of Conduct, Student Handbook, and SAiL Student Agreement. Failure to comply with the district's Student Code of Conduct, Student Handbook, or the SAiL Student Agreement will result in disciplinary action as outlined in the Lubbock-Cooper ISD Student Code of Conduct.


  • Your iPad should be charged and ready for use every school day.

  • Your iPad is an educational tool and should not be used for social or entertainment purposes.

  • Perform regular backups of your data to iCloud, Google Drive, or another trusted method.

  • You are responsible for the management and storage of your files and schoolwork. Many reliable data storage options are available to you. Should you require additional training on available data storage options, you are responsible for seeking assistance.

  • Your use of a district-issued iPad is not private. Activity will be monitored by the district at appropriate intervals.

  • Do not download or attempt to download applications not offered in Self-Service.

  • Do not modify or attempt to modify the iOS operating system or "jailbreak" or attempt to "jailbreak" your iPad.

  • Do not modify or attempt to modify any settings or profiles set by the district on your iPad.

  • Do not disable or attempt to disable any monitoring or filtering system applied to your iPad.

  • Do not share your username, password, device passcode, or any other confidential credentials with anyone else. Do not attempt to use another person's username, password, device passcode, or any other confidential credentials.

  • Do not use your iPad for the creation, recording, storing, or posting of any data (including but not limited to audio recordings, video recordings, images, and personal information) about others or yourself when it is not school-related.

  • Do not use your iPad to download or plagiarize material without permission from the copyright holder.

  • Do not use your device to post messages or access materials that are abusive, obscene, sexually oriented, threatening, harassing, damaging to another's reputation, or illegal.

  • Do not use your device to gain or attempt to gain access to restricted information or network resources.


  • Your iPad should be charged and ready for use every school day.

  • Never leave your iPad unattended. When not in your possession, the iPad should be secure. You should always know the location of your iPad.

  • Your iPad is a fragile electronic device. Do not put weight on the iPad or store the iPad in a bag containing food, liquids, or sharp objects. Do not leave your iPad on the ground.

  • Your iPad should be handled with care. Do not toss or throw your iPad or transport it in a careless manner.

  • Your iPad should remain in the LCISD-provided case at all times. The LCISD-provided case should not be decorated in any fashion unless you have been given specific administrative permission to do so.

  • Only the LCISD-provided Apple charger should be utilized with your iPad.

  • Use care when inserting or removing the charger and headphones from your iPad.

  • Do not expose your iPad to extreme temperatures. Do not leave your iPad outdoors or in a vehicle.

  • Do not use Windex or harsh chemicals to clean your iPad. iPad screens may be cleaned with a soft, lint-free cloth.

  • Each iPad is marked with a unique inventory sticker. Do not remove or modify this sticker in any way.



  • Damage to your iPad must be reported via the online Incident Report Form within 24 hours of the occurrence. 

  • Intentional damage (as determined by campus administration and the Lubbock-Cooper ISD Technology Department) will result in disciplinary action. If you intentionally or negligently damage your iPad, you/your parent will be responsible for repair or replacement costs.

  • Whether or not damage is intentional, the result of negligence, or accidental will be determined by campus administration and the Lubbock-Cooper ISD Technology Department following investigation. 

  • If you lose your iPad or fear that your iPad has been stolen, immediately report the missing device via the online Incident Report Form. Campus administration, the Lubbock-Cooper ISD Technology Department, and, if necessary, the Lubbock-Cooper ISD Police Department will conduct an investigation and determine appropriate action. 

  • If possible, the district will remotely disable a lost or stolen iPad to protect the device and/or data on the device.

  • If you are without your iPad for any length of time due to repair or recovery, you will have access to a temporary replacement iPad to be used in class only.

  • Repeated damage to or loss of your district-issued iPad may result in revocation of a district-issued iPad.


The following portion of the SAiL Student Agreement shall be signed off on by students upon receipt of their district-issued iPads.

I understand that I will be issued an iPad as part of Lubbock-Cooper ISD's Schoolwide Application of iPads for Learning (SAiL) initiative. The district-issued iPad is an educational tool used to enhance my learning environment.

I understand that the iPad is no different than any other district-issued school supply, and is a required resource that is not optional. I understand that intentional or negligent damage to or loss of my district-issued iPad will result in disciplinary action, appropriate legal action, and/or comparable financial restitution.

I understand that my district-issued iPad is intended for educational purposes only, and should not be used for entertainment or social purposes. My district-issued iPad is intended for use by me alone, and no other individual in my household or elsewhere.

My district-issued iPad is subject to monitoring and filtering by the district, and I understand that my use of the iPad is not private. I understand that myself and my parents are responsible for maintaining the iPad at school/home.

I understand that I may be financially liable for intentional or negligent abuse of the iPad that occurs while the iPad is in my possession. I understand that intentional or negligent damage to or loss of my district-issued iPad will result in disciplinary action, appropriate legal action, and/or comparable financial restitution. 

I am bound by the SAiL Student Agreement, the Lubbock-Cooper ISD Student Code of Conduct, the Lubbock-Cooper ISD Student Handbook, and the Lubbock-Cooper ISD Board Policy while using my district-issued iPad, and I understand that any violation of one or more of the aforementioned policies may result in disciplinary or legal action, as warranted.