SAiL Parent/Guardian Agreement

I understand that my child will be issued an iPad and possibly a Logitech Crayon, generic stylus, or other accessories as part of Lubbock-Cooper ISD's Schoolwide Application of iPads for Learning (SAiL) initiative. The district-issued iPad and accessories are an educational tool used to enhance my child's learning environment. I understand that the iPad and accessories are no different than any other district-issued school supplies, and are required resources that are not optional.
Although the iPad and accessories are issued to my child for the school year, I understand that they are the property of Lubbock-Cooper Independent School District. I understand that my child's district-issued iPad and accessories are intended for educational purposes only, and should not be used for entertainment or social purposes. My child's district-issued iPad and accessories are intended for use by my child alone, and no other individual in my household or elsewhere.
My child's district-issued iPad and accessories are subject to monitoring and filtering by the district, and I understand that my child's use of the iPad and accessories is not private. I understand that myself and my child are responsible for maintaining the iPad and accessories at school/home. l understand that I may be financially liable for intentional or negligent abuse of the iPad and accessories that occurs while these materials are in my child's possession.
My child is bound by the SAiL Student Agreement (signed by my child upon issuance of the iPad and accessories), the Lubbock-Cooper ISD Student Code of Conduct, the Lubbock-Cooper ISD Student Handbook, and the Lubbock-Cooper ISD Board Policy while using his/her district-issued iPad and accessories, and I understand that any violation of one or more of the aforementioned policies may result in disciplinary or legal action, as warranted.