Digital Learning Team

The primary purpose of a DLS at LCISD is to focus on the planning, implementation, and follow-up training using the latest effective instructional strategies including digital learning tools that maximize student learning across all content areas. A DLS supports the curriculum, instruction, assessment, and technology goals of Lubbock-Cooper ISD.

Our Commitments:

  1. We commit to facilitate positive relationships and communication among students, teachers, and instructional teams across the district.

  2. We commit to model and build the capacity for lifelong learning by supporting opportunities for growth and risk taking.

  3. We commit to foster a culture based on innovator mindset, vulnerability, and seeking help from colleagues.

Meet the Team: 
Abby Gonzalez
Brisa Cabe
Brooke McDowell
Caleb Henderson 
Kevann Moseley
Kortney Avila
Rebecca Beardain

DLS Philosophy:
The iPad will never replace good teaching.  At Lubbock-Cooper, we strive to infuse technology to enhance lessons and grow learners.