Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Welcome to FCA.
FCA Resources
Fields of Faith
Official FCA Website
Relationship Video from 11/15 Meeting
About FCA
About FCA
Please allow us to take this opportunity to share with you some information about our organization. We hope that your son or daughter will join us this year for an exciting year in FCA!
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes was originally created to provide Christian athletes with a forum for fellowship and worship. Last year, students came together and began an FCA “huddle” at Lubbock Cooper Middle School, and it has really taken off! Here at Lubbock-Cooper, FCA is developing into a student-led organization in which ANY of our students, athlete or non-athlete, can come together with other Christians and share in their faith. There is no special procedure that students have to follow to join our organization…all they have to do is attend and join in the fun!
During the school year, FCA will meet every Thursday morning (except the first and last Thursday of the school year) from 7:15 to 8:00 a.m. in the Main Gym, unless otherwise announced. Students will join together on these mornings for a time of student-led prayer, as well as praise, worship, and learning. Donations from parents allow us to provide donuts for the students to enjoy during these morning meetings.
Additionally, we plan to hold evening FCA socials a couple of times a year. At these socials, we have been able to bring in special guests or organize fun events where the students have been able to get together for fun, food, and fellowship. These monthly socials have been possible due to the generous support of our FCA parent volunteers. We truly hope we will be able to continue these special events again this year!
Many parents ask how they can become involved in supporting FCA, and there are several opportunities that exist for those who wish to help. Since this organization operates solely on donations, this area is our greatest need. We are also in need of volunteers to help with our evening socials. If you are able to assist us in either of these areas, please fill out the form on the back of this letter and have your son or daughter return it to Coach Cooper. Finally and most importantly, your prayer support for our organization would be greatly appreciated.